Sceptically Fit


My New Favourite Stretch: Frogger

Filed under: Exercise — Tags: , , — Sceptically Me @ 22:51

Some times the only way to really stretch out your inner thigh requires a little privacy:  Stretch It: Frogger. I’m quoting liberally because the stretch is that good. Go watch the video.

  • Begin on your hands and knees on a carpeted surface. If you don’t have carpet, fold up a blanket so it’s at least four feet long. You’ll need some cushion for your knees.
  • Now slowly slide your knees out to the side, away from each other, and move your feet as well so that your ankles remain in line with your knees. Flex your feet so your toes are pointing out. This stretch becomes intense quickly, so only widen your knees and lower your hips until you feel a nice stretch. You shouldn’t feel any discomfort or pain.
  • Once your legs are in a good position, if you’re low enough you can walk your hands out and release your elbows to the ground. Use your hands to help press your hips back toward your feet to intensify the feeling in your legs. Keep your head lifted and your shoulders relaxed so your pelvis continues to press toward the ground.

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