Sceptically Fit


Its not my fault, its my brain chemistry…

Filed under: Personal — Tags: , , — Sceptically Me @ 22:14

As I’ve spent most of the day feeling a little less than vibrant after celebrating a friend’s birthday last night, it seems timely to come across this study – Rose-colored beer goggles. Its not as though I ever actually say ‘never again’, I can’t lie to myself that much. But I certainly do say ‘not for a while’, which is vague enough it might hold true.

But each any time I end the night lying on the cold bathroom floor wanting the world to stop spinning or leaning over the toilet bowl; or waking up feeling like light physically huts, or that headachey, stomach seediness, that doesn’t go away well into the night, I do try and feel like I’ll remember to be better next time. Not drink as much, drink more water, don’t accept a joint when the world is already spinning…

Does it work? Sometimes. I’m usually pretty good at drinking water throughout the night. But after a few drinks you lose track of time, and if its not convenient to get to (some bars and clubs are bad for getting water) you can not get round to it. And as I’m sure most people are aware – once you are aware you really need water, its a bit late…

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